menu bar


Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Donald Knuth

domino tile ficha

Double 9 dominos

A multi-player double nine's (Cuban variant) game of dominoes. Manages data, control, and session state through redux.

Technolgies used:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Firebase

Goodreads Scraper

The Goodreads' API has several endpoints. An endpoint that delivers all quotes, however, is not one. This API fetches all quotes classified under a particular tag.

Technolgies used:

  • Node.js
  • Express
vignette photo effect


A microblogging site crossed with Snapchat. A proof-of-concept that shows how ephemerality can exist in an always-on and continuously archived digital world.

Technolgy used:

  • React
hand raised

Volunteer Tracker

A mobile web application I created to simplify the management and organization of teams working on projects. This app uses CRUD principles through postgreSQL.

Technolgies used:

  • Ruby
  • pSQL